The most significant driver of change that can challenge a sustainable organization is resource constraints. With an ever-increasing population, combined with shrinking natural resources, these issues are leading to large scale constraints in areas like water, energy, and food (Winston 2014, 45). Some of these resources, like food or energy, require companies to continually invest in infrastructure to create and distribute them so the intensity of the effects continues has been continual overtime even as they continue to ramp up. However, a resource like water, that has historically been taken for granted as unlimited in many regions of the world, is now facing intense constraints not previously seen before leading to much more intense requirements for fast-paced change. The fact that these resources are all intertwined means that no organization or person is left out from the impacts. These resource constraints lead to higher costs and issues with affordability for organizations and society. Analytics have the potential to help because the complex interactions between different resources can often be difficult to understand for humans. However, with increases in software and analytic processing capabilities, new insights for use efficiency and capital investment allocations can be discovered to deliver more comprehensive and innovative solutions to these ever-increasing resource constraints.
Author: Logan Callen
Winston, Andrew S. 2014. The Big Pivot: Radically Practical Strategies for a Hotter, Scarcer, and More Open World. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.
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